ITAS Podcast Season 9, Ep.9
I’ve had many guests on this show, mostly working artists who may teach a college course or private classes. My today’s guest Alessandra Moctezuma, although an amazing artist herself, chose to be active in the academic field raising the generations of artists. Alessandra rarely shows her own work and prefers to have it as a private practice and emotional outlet. Her public work as a Gallery Director and professor of Museum Studies at the San Diego Mesa College as well as her past endeavors is something worth talking about! Which is exactly what we do in this episode on In The Art Scene!
Listen on!

About Alessandra Moctezuma
Alessandra Moctezuma was born in Mexico City, Mexico. She was raised by a father who focused on painting and a career in film alongside her mother, whose work focused on anthropology and archaeology. Her parents’ influence led to her passion for the arts. At the age of 9, Alessandra’s family lived in Madrid, Spain before moving to Los Angeles, California in her teenage years.
Alessandra began her college education at Santa Monica College in Los Angeles, California. She attended the University of California, Los Angeles and graduated with a Bachelors of Art in Fine Art and Chicano/a Studies, followed by a Masters in Fine Arts, and finally, her Ph.D. in Hispanic Language and Literature from Stony Brook University.
Early in her career, Alessandra started work in public art management and art education.
Moctezuma worked as an assistant to Chicano public art muralist Judy Baca at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). By the 1990’s, Alessandra was working as the LA County’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s public art officer. By 2020, Alessandra had dedicated 10 years working as a professor and gallery director with San Diego Mesa College. She primarily teaches Chicano/a art and Museum Studies and Gallery Exhibition Skills courses. She is a public art enthusiast and activist to create spaces for artists of color speaking on social justice issues and to shift focus to include San Diego community arts organizations.
Links and references
Mesa College Gallery: official website
MCG Instagram:
San Diego Magazine: