Ann Golumbuk

Ann Golumbuk on becoming an artist after a debilitating injury

Ann Golumbuck is one of those people who exude so much positive energy that you can’t help but get inspired! In this episode, Ann is sharing a story about quitting her career in sports after being hit by a car and severely injured, and how that put her on a path of becoming a colorful, expressive, and highly sought-after artist.

Caroline Karp plein air painter

Painter Caroline Karp on plein air performance painting, new books and International Online Art Collective

As a Plein Air painter, Caroline Karp uses an expressionistic perspective to capture moments and places. Her paintings are known for their boldness and the intense emotion that comes with the creation process.

sylvia becker-hill intentional creativity teacher, executive coach

Artist, Intentional Creativity®️ teacher, and executive coach Sylvia Becker-Hill on how it all works together

Sylvia Becker-Hill is a corporate executive coach, edutainer on international leadership stages, bestselling author, and founder of a boutique publishing house adding women’s stories to human history.